Welcome to the future

We provide professional services to organizations operating in highly dynamic environments in the field of Deep Machine Learning, Self-learning Supply Chain, Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) of production and business processes, their operational management through Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Prescriptive Maintenance and Generative Design

More information

Why should you cooperate with us?

Technological progress is testing the companies. The average life expectancy of the most important companies listed in the S & P 500 declined from 60 years in 1960 to less than 20 years.

Understanding the consequences of this development for business can mean the difference between prosperous and just surviving. Or between the surviving and the ending. In this digital era of Industry 4.0, there will be a number of "creative destructions" by Joseph Schumpeter, and we are helping to handle this destruction successfully.

With our clients, we create a partnership where we use our knowledge, especially from the field of deep machine learning and self-learning supply chains, which we combine with our partner data, their specific knowledge of the industry and market access to solve real problems.

What can you expect from us?

Full review

Complete review, measurement and control of operations and Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

Optimized plans

Continuous, real-time optimized plans in a dynamic environment.

Decision making support

Event management in real-time, back-optimization of plans and decision support.

Improving services

Improved service, delivery times and customer satisfaction.

Cost reduction

Reduction of operating, warehouse, maintenance and transport costs.

Resource use

Maximize resource utilization and productivity.

Fulfillment of contractual agreements

Improving the level of fulfillment of contractual agreements.

Prescriptive maintenance

Improve the ability to monitor, analyze, and use asset data and prescriptively identify, analyze, and address potential operational problems before they occur, while reducing and eliminating downtime.

Generative design

Achieving not one optimal solution but a number of design solutions with a priority on either one property of the product or a combination of multiple properties.

Determine the time that suits you and we will call you back.​​​​​​​


Luckytek provides professional services to organizations operating in a highly dynamic environment

Self Learning Supply Chain

Be design, data and knowledge masters with a more flexible and responsive supply chain.

Advanced Planning and Scheduling

Use support of optimization planning technologies based on genetic algorithms.

Production lines prescriptive mainten.

Use internet of things and machine learning for  prescriptive maintenance of your production line.

Elevators prescriptive maintenance

Make use of the potential of the Industrial Internet of Things for elevators digital innovation.

Deep machine learning

Make use of our deep machine learning experiences  joined with your data for products and processes digital inovations.

Products generative design

Make use of advances in artificial intelligence and simulation of complex phenomena in product development.

Manufacturing Execution System

Get updated real-time data from the supply chain.


Contact form

Please email us with any queries or use our contact information. We will answer as soon as possible.

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